Academics & Programs » Academics


 Quality first instruction. All of our students receive high quality, evidence based, core grade level instruction.  To ensure quality first instruction, students are monitored and their progress evaluated.  Based on data, identified students receive additional differentiated instruction providing extra support, acceleration, and/or extended learning opportunities to improve their academic performance.

Every Tuesday, our teaching staff participates in research-based professional development.

Through reflection, our teachers are continuously improving their knowledge and skills.  Key reflection questions teachers engage in:

  • How am I ensuring access to the common core to students with diverse learning needs?

  • Am I providing students with classwork that reflects grade-level complexity?

English Language Arts

We utilize our California State Standards as the basis of our instruction in English Language Art.  Our teachers employ integrated curriculum strategies to address the standards as well as our adopted curriculum, Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA). 
Our teachers plan for foundational skills instruction collaboratively, and work with students to meet their specific needs in developing as readers and writers. The teachers use data from a variety of assessments, including Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELs) and i-Ready ELA Diagnostics, to determine which skills students need support with acquiring.


California's State Standards for Mathematics include a rigorous set of "Mathematical Practices" that students will utilize in Kindergarten though 12th grade. We follow the standards using our adopted curriculum, Eureka.


NGSS stands for the Next Generation Science Standards. Our teachers utilize a variety of investigations, practices, and integration of curriculum to engage students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) learning.  We follow the standards using our adopted curriculum, FOSS.

Physical Education

The State of California requires 200 minutes of PE every two weeks. Our teachers faithfully provide this instruction to ensure the health and well-being of our students.


We promote and implement a comprehensive standards-based visual and performing arts education program available to all students at all grades levels.  In the 2024-2025 school year, our Itinerant Arts provided disciplines will be Music (Fall) and Visual Arts (Spring).